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School Ratings

School Ratings

We are proud to present to you the outstanding reports that we have received from The Department of Education Queensland School Improvement Unit (SIU), the International Baccalaureate (IB) World School Department and now the Sharjah Private Schools Education Authority in regards to the work and results that have been achieved over the last two years.

These reports are highly significant for our school community given that three independent organisations have each individually marked and measured our school as outstanding in teaching and learning.  Moreover, these results have been achieved in both a traditional face-to-face review and in an unprecedented review of our online learning program.

1. Sharjah Private Education Authority (SPEA) - School Performance Review October 2022

The main purpose of this SPR is to assist schools in their continuous improvement journey through an external validation of the progress, quality and capacity to improve in the context of Sharjah Private Education Authority's vision to achieve 'Excellence in Education' by 2024.

2. Education Queensland – School Review Report 2019

This report is a product of a review carried out by a Senior Review Team from Education Queensland’s School Improvement Unit (SIU) in September 2019. Jenny Maier, Assistant Regional Director was the review chair.  Miss Jenny was a senior reviewer in the previous AIS review and, as such, has extensive knowledge of where the school was positioned prior to my appointment as Executive Principal.  The report presents an evaluation of the school’s performance against the nine domains of the National School Improvement Tool. 

Key Findings:

  • Classrooms across the school are ‘hives of engagement’ in learning and a high level of energy pervades the school.
  • The Executive Leadership Team has established clear expectations and beliefs that all students can learn successfully.
  • The significant volume of work carried out by members of the Executive Leadership Team to re-energise and lead the school is apparent.

This was further supported in a letter from Stephen Biggs, Executive Director, DE International, in his letter to Dr. Abdulla A Karam, Director General of the KHDA who stated:          

In September 2019, a quality assurance review of AIS Sharjah was undertaken by the Queensland DoE School Improvement Unit and confirmed the school is exceeding the benchmarks of the Australian National School Improvement Tool.

Please find a detailed report here Education Queensland Executive Summary 2020


3. The International Baccalaureate (IB) World School Department - Report on Programme Evaluation

The aim of this evaluation was to ensure that the standards and practices of the IB Diploma programme are being maintained in order to preserve our license to deliver the IB Diploma program for senior school students. This is completed once every 5 years.

The outcome of the evaluation process of AIS:

  • Based on the findings included in the report, the IB has not identified any matters to be addressed.

Please find the full report here IB Executive Summary Report 2020


4. Sharjah Private Education Authority (SPEA) - IRV

The main purpose of this IRV is to assist schools in their continuous improvement journey through an external validation of their progress, quality, and capacity to improve in the context of Sharjah Private Education Authority's (SPEA) vision to achieve 'Excellence in Education by 2024'. SPEA has been a pioneer in supporting the private education sector in Sharjah, driven by its mission of 'Enabling the learner's community to grow and achieve aspiring outcomes through supportive and effective services.' This new and innovative approach to school review is an important part of our strategy for achieving this vision because it supports continuous school improvement. 

The outcome of the review; Very Good 

•            >83% satisfaction rating from parents

•            >79% satisfaction rating from students

•            >92% satisfaction rating from teachers

Please find the full report here