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Parent Teacher Communication

Parent Teacher Communication

AIS prides itself on its excellent sense of community: we are not just a school, we are a family. This has been established through wonderful, open communication with our parents and families. We do this through multiple platforms to ensure that everyone in the AIS community has the ability to remain informed of events and activities at our school, but also so that parents have the ability to voice their queries or concerns.

It is therefore very important to ensure the school has your most current contact information. If you have recently moved or your details have changed, please update those details by contacting one of our receptionists to change these for you as a matter of urgency.

To check your information is current please contact the school.


The AIS website is the best port of call for all general information from our policies to curriculum links, calendars, canteen, uniform shop details and more.


Email is the most frequently used communication tool within AIS and allows the school to provide parents with a variety of information, in detail if needed.

Specifically for our classroom teachers, email is used to enhance the wellbeing and learning opportunities of each and every student and ensure parents are aware of what is happening in class.

AIS also emails home important information such as parent-teacher interview details, report cards and event invitations and other time-critical information.

Each week parents in the Primary School will receive a grade level email with the details of events and activities your child will participate in the following week.


Our Primary School (Pre-ELC to Grade 2) uses ClassDojo as our parent communication tool. ClassDojo is a beautiful, safe, and simple communication app for teachers, parents, and students.  positive

  • Teachers can encourage students for any skill, like "Working hard" and "Teamwork".
  • Teachers can bring parents into the classroom experience by sharing photos, videos, and announcements.
  • Teachers can safely and instantly message with any parent.
  • Parents see their child's updates at home, as well as a stream of photos and videos from school.

ClassDojo helps teachers build a positive classroom culture by encouraging students and communicating with parents.


The AIS Primary and Secondary newsletters are issued electronically to our families each month. The newsletter includes information for parents and the community about what has been happening across the campus as well as important information and dates on upcoming events.

Social Media - Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

These very active pages are used to celebrate the success of our students, remind parents about upcoming events and share the wonderful educational experiences of the AIS community.

Text Messages

AIS engages the use of text message or SMS for sending personal messages to parents from the Enrolments and Finance Departments. 

Parent Teacher Interviews

At AIS, we view the partnership between home and school as vitally important in effectively educating children. As such, regular conferencing between parents and teachers is strongly encouraged after each reporting period.

AIS parents are invited to book parent-teacher interviews after each reporting period with scheduled interview times allowing for direct discussion about your child’s progress in each subject area.

AIS parents can also book to come and speak with teachers throughout the year.  Simply email the teacher you would like to speak to and book a time or call our friendly reception team to arrange a time.