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Grade 7 to Grade 9

Grade 7 to Grade 9

During Grade 7 to 9, AIS is focused on building upon the educational foundations laid in the Primary School, whilst positioning them for their journey to success in the Senior years and beyond into the adult world. This is a crucial period when students’ strengths and interests become pivotal in determining just what that journey might look like and where it might lead.

Using the Australian Curriculum, our exceptional team of Emirati and Australian teachers are dedicated to fostering a love of lifelong learning within rigorous educational programs, state of the art teaching labs, classrooms and facilities as well as a focus on wellbeing and a caring, collaborative and flexible approach to teaching and learning. ICTs are used within classrooms to further enhance teaching and learning in this digital era.

In Grade 7 to 10, the Australian Curriculum supports the development of knowledge, understanding and skills in the eight learning areas explored in the Primary School but with the opportunity for students to investigate those subject areas of personal interest with more depth and rigour. Curriculum continuity is designed to equip students for their senior secondary schooling and vocational pathways.

The first few years of secondary school are one of great change, development and growth, where students are encouraged to develop independence and become active and reflective participants in society. The transition into Grade 7 can present daunting challenges for some students, ones which are alleviated here at AIS through our link between the Primary and Secondary Schools. We offer students and their families a safe, supportive and caring transitional process, one which is underpinned with the continuity of exceptional teaching standards within the Australian Curriculum, high expectations of students and the same feeling of pride and belonging to AIS. 

Students continue their learning journey in the core areas of English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities and also introduced to an engaging and enriching elective program. Through this elective program, students can choose their areas of passion from Business Studies, Film, Television and Media, French for Non-Muslims, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts, Digital Technology and Health and Physical Education.

An excellent summary for parents of the Australian Curriculum aims for Grades 7 to 8 can be found here:

Australian Curriculum Aims for Grades 7 - 8

An excellent summary for parents of the Australian Curriculum aims for Grades 9 to 10 can be found here:

Australian Curriculum Aims for Grades 9 - 10

For a comprehensive explanation of the Australian Curriculum priorities and aims during this phase of schooling, please visit the website here: https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/learning-7-10/