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Secondary School Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Secondary School Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A change from a QCE course to the IB Diploma can only occur in the two weeks after commencing Grade 11 and with permission from the Head of Secondary School. After this time, the student will have missed too much Diploma work to be successful in the change. However, students can change from the IB to the QCE at various times throughout the course, as approved by the Deputy Head of Secondary School.

ATAR eligibility requires the student to study a minimum of 4 General Subjects but it is recommended that 5 are studied. Changing eligibility will be dependent on the student's individual situation and time of change and approved by the Deputy Head of Secondary School.

Other than the Ministry Arabic and Islamic Studies programs, all QCE courses are taught in English at AIS. Grade 10 English results will also provide an indication or preparedness for the QCE ATAR course.

Yes. The school can approve a range of Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments, (AARA) for all students in a wide range of circumstances that include long-term needs and also short-term issues that may arise at any time during the course. The QCAA needs to approve some AARAs and the school works with parents to help ensure students get exactly what they need to have for a fair chance at success.

All universities worldwide accept the QCE with the ATAR for all courses. However, it is important that the student checks the entry requirements for their preferred university as they will have different expectations for ATAR subjects and results. Without an ATAR, some may only accept the QCE for entry to a foundation year program. Most private and some National universities in the UAE will accept the QCE without the ATAR. Admission to NYU Abu Dhabi requires either the IB Diploma or the ATAR.