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Subject and Curriculum

Subject and Curriculum

AIS delivers the Australian Curriculum, a curriculum which seeks to support our children in becoming successful learners, confident and creative individuals and active and informed citizens. The Australian Curriculum develops capability in students in developing literacy, numeracy and ICT skills, as well as focusing on critical and creative thinking, personal and social capabilities and ethical and intercultural understanding.

Our goal at AIS is to support our students in becoming well-equipped contributors to a global context in the 21st Century.

In Pre-ELC & ELC at AIS, we adhere to the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline (QKLG). This guideline provides guidance on planning, documenting, assessing children's learning and development, and communicating information with parents/carers.

The QKLG reflects the view that learning occurs as part of, and is shaped by, the social and cultural interactions between children, teachers, colleagues, families, community members and professional partners.

It adopts a holistic perspective on teaching and learning that:

  • Promotes social, emotional, physical and cognitive development and wellbeing.
  • Views children as diverse learners, who are competent and creative meaning-makers.
  • Encourages children to investigate and explore materials and ideas through play and purposeful interactions.

At AIS, we implement (teach, assess and report on) the Australian Curriculum each year from Prep to Grade 6. Responsibilities for Australian Curriculum learning areas are split between classroom and specialist teachers. 

Learning Areas

Classroom teacher

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Integrated Studies (Prep to Grade 2)
  • Science (Grade 3 to 6)
  • Humanities (History and Geography - Grades 3 to 6)

Specialist teacher

  • Health and Physical Education
  • Music
  • Digitech
  • French (Non-Arab/Non-Muslim students only)

Literacy and numeracy skills are taught explicitly as well as embedded in each of the learning areas.

In addition to these subjects, our children also study Arabic (Pre-ELC), Social Studies and Moral Education from Grade 1. Islamic Studies is also offered for our Muslim students from Grade 1.


Assessment is an integral part of systematic curriculum delivery. Teachers at AIS plan, design and implement assessments to gather information and monitor student progress, inform their teaching and learning, and report on student achievement against the relevant Australian Curriculum achievement standard.

At AIS, teachers prioritise assessment at the forefront of curriculum planning, ensuring that the curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and reporting align with the Australian Curriculum achievement standards. Various assessment types are used, such as diagnostic, formative and summative assessments. This data collection is ongoing and is used for analysis purposes to inform teaching and learning and as the basis for making defensible on-balance judgements about student achievement.

Students from Prep - 6, receive 4 report cards across the school year - Term 1a, 1b, end of Term 2, and 3.