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Vision, Mission, and Values

Vision, Mission, and Values

Having harnessed the highest quality pedagogy across the Australian Curriculum partnered with Australian education professionals and outstanding teaching programs in Arabic and Islamic Studies, students enrolled at AIS can access well-designed and sequential pathways to success from ELC through to Grade 12 and beyond into tertiary education. Our vision, motto, and values reflect this constant drive to enrich and refine how we deliver quality education within a vibrant Emirati culture and setting.


To ensure a quality international and intercultural education that prepares students for their futures in a global economy.


To develop high-achieving well rounded students who are connected globally, to each other, and to the communities in which they live and which they will serve.


    In keeping with our community ideals, the following were elected by our students, staff, and parents as the most important values to sustain as a school:

    • Compassion

    • Tolerance

    • Integrity

    • Courage 

    • Wisdom 

    Our School Motto 

    Reach for the Stars!

    As a school reaching for outstanding achievement we have high expectations of our students in regards to their behaviour, effort, attendance, and presentation. As such, being a STAR as part of the AIS community involves being:

    • S-afe

    • T-eam Player

    • A-Learner

    • R-espectful