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The award-winning AIS Library is a place where the love of lifelong learning is sparked and nurtured, supporting the school community with access to information and learning in a welcoming and safe space.  Our dedicated and passionate library team provide access to multi-language collections, storytelling, information literacy and wellbeing activities.


Click here to visit our Library Website



Our Primary section is the home of a fabulous range of picture books for our youngest children, with author focus boxes, fiction and non-fiction books organised by topic and Arabic books. A comprehensive range of short chapter books aid youngsters on their first step to independent reading and once on that literacy journey, there are longer chapter books, illustrated novels and short novels.  These collections fulfill the expanding needs of children until the end of Primary School.

The AIS Library also houses a wide collection of books for our Secondary School students.  Genres featured within our Young Adult fiction and non-fiction texts include Middle Eastern stories, historical fiction, dystopian texts, sport, mysteries, war stories, stories with strong female protagonists and high interest stories for struggling readers.  We also have a wide general range of fiction and non-fiction texts, with a focus on such topics as the UAE, food, art, biography and disasters.  

We have a range of fiction and non-fiction texts in Arabic and a senior fiction and non-fiction collection.

AIS Library is a focal point for all our students and staff for more than just quiet reading. Students enjoy weekly storytelling sessions in both languages, our qualified Teacher-Librarian guides students through activities to enhance research skills, Arabic classes are held, sessions on reading strategies and research as well as the simple enjoyment of reading for life-long learning. 

The Library is open to students from 7.30 am to 4.00 pm. Students are welcome to engage in quiet study and obtain personal assistance from the Librarian during these times.

Students are encouraged to take home books both in English and Arabic language and can choose from a small French collection also. To ensure all students have access to our large range, we ask that: 

  • Students borrow books for a period of two weeks.
  • Students are responsible for their own books and will be invoiced if books are excessively overdue or lost/damaged.
  • All books are returned at the end of the school year for stocktake.

Book Limits for Students

ELC and Prep22
Grade 133
Grade 233
Grade 333
Grade 444
Grade 555
Grade 655
Secondary School1010
Parents & Community Members1010

AIS Library is also a safe and peaceful place for students to enjoy wellbeing activities. During break times the Library is open to all students to engage in such activities as chess, carrom, board games, mindful colouring, Lego challenges, supervised Pokemon trading, and weekly movies. 

Students can access World Book Online through the Library website which provides an excellent resource of articles at two levels of difficulty and an Arabic reference site for primary-aged students:

  • World Book Student - research for Grade 5 to Grade 9.
  • World Book Advanced - research for Grade 10 and beyond.
  • Kids eLearn - Arabic-language reference site developed specifically for primary students.

AIS Library encourages parents to join as community members, allowing them to take a further 10 books either for themselves or to supplement their children’s reading needs.  Please see Librarian or email [email protected] for more information on joining.  

AIS Library greatly benefits from a partnership with Sharjah Public Libraries from whom we receive generous book donations as well as invites to attend exclusive author events.  AIS encourages all families to join Sharjah Public Libraries to access the amazing and comprehensive collections and services available.












Renowned author Elizabetta Dami and her popular character Geronimo Stilton.

Everyone is welcome in the Library, we look forward to meeting you, sharing the delight and wonder of our large collection with you, and answering any questions you may have.