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Student Leadership Team

Student Leadership Team

Student leadership at AIS goes far beyond simply wearing a badge. AIS student leaders are expected to serve their school and their community as exemplars of excellent behaviour, constant effort and respect. As representatives of their peers and agents of positive change, our student leaders are the embodiment of everything AIS symbolises within our wider community.

There are a number of opportunities for students to be involved in the leadership program in both the Primary and Secondary Schools. These leaders will then work as a team across both schools, ensuring there is a sense of continuity, pride and belonging from Prep right through to Grade 12 in our very special AIS schooling community.

In the Primary School, the leadership journey begins in Grade 3 for students who display a positive attitude, the motivation and skills of future leaders.The School Captains and Vice Captains are selected at the end of Grade 5 during Term 3 as part of a transition program. Students are given opportunities to develop and practice their leadership abilities and habits through to Grade 6.

School Captains, Vice Captains and House Captains are elected through a process including a written application, interview, speech and teacher/student vote. 

Student leaders are given invaluable opportunities to motivate, inspire and work collaboratively with their peers, staff and the wider schooling community.  Becoming a student leader at AIS is a privilege, comes with great responsibility and is an outstanding experience and training for our leaders of tomorrow.