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After School Learning Centre

Primary After School Learning Centre

AIS offers a variety of after-school learning programs to our Prep to Grade 6 students. These programs aim to provide additional support for students and families in extending their learning beyond the classroom, complementing the in-class experience. These clubs run from 3 pm to 4 pm after school, with no extra buses available. Parents must pick up their children from B block at 4 pm. Participation in these activities is optional. 

Secondary After School Learning Centre

As part of our commitment to teaching and learning and first and foremost to ensure that every child has the opportunity to achieve, we would like you to be aware of our Secondary School After School Learning Centre (ASLC).

Students will have the opportunity to access teachers across all learning areas every Tuesday and Wednesday of the school week. We have designed both a Junior Secondary and Senior schedule and encourage all students to attend each after-school session from 3:10 pm to 3:40 pm. The ASLC is totally voluntary for students. 

The ASLC aims to provide students with the opportunity to work with teachers on the following:

  • Feedback
  • Consolidation of  learning
  • Study
  • Support for HW or Assessment
  • Extension work
  • To prepare for exams
  • Literacy and Numeracy support

Teachers will ensure that all students who attend are supported and given a chance to work independently or in groups on their individual learning needs.

Teaching staff have also been instructed to email parents of students who they believe would benefit from the ASLC.

In addition to the ASLC, the IB Program offers an After School IB Program from Mondays to Thursdays for each subject as well as Core. This is available for both Grade 11 and Grade 12 IB students.